Home Vein Disease

Vein Conditions

New York & New Jersey

Vein disease affects a staggering 30 million men and women, with one out of every two women and one out of every three men suffering from this condition.

What Is Vein Disease?

Vein disease is a condition that affects the veins in the body, causing them to become damaged or diseased. This can occur when the valves in the veins become weak or damaged, leading to poor blood flow and blood pooling in the veins. Common types of vein disease include varicose veins, spider veins, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Symptoms of vein disease can consist of pain, swelling, and aching in the legs, as well as the appearance of bulging or discolored veins.

Vein disease symptom awareness is important so that you know when to seek appropriate treatment.

Vein Specialist Centers

Common Vein Conditions

Deep Vein Thrombosis

A blood clot forming in one of the deep veins in the body, usually in the legs, is called deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Deep vein thrombosis can happen due to age, prolonged periods of sitting, pregnancy, obesity, underlying health issues, blood disorders, and recent injury to a vein. Deep vein thrombosis can happen due to age, prolonged periods of sitting, pregnancy, obesity, underlying health issues, blood disorders, and recent injury to a vein.


A qualified vein doctor performs a physical examination and will ask you for a complete medical history while noting your symptoms and the appearance of your legs. Our vein specialist will confirm any suspicions of DVT with an ultrasound, review the results with you, and discuss the best treatment options based on your individual needs and goals.


Treatments for deep vein thrombosis depend on the severity of the deep vein disease. The most common treatment is anticoagulants or blood thinners. There are also newer treatments for acute DVT that can be performed if done early. A minimally invasive treatment that is gaining popularity is mechanical pharmacolysis or thrombolysis, which is the use of special catheters to inject drugs to dissolve the blood clot.

If there is compression or narrowing of the vein, then angioplasty or stenting of the diseased segment is preferred. This is performed in cases such as May-Thurner syndrome, non-thrombotic iliac vein occlusions (NIVL), and post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS).

Leg Heaviness

Leg heaviness is a common symptom experienced by individuals with vein disease, typically caused by poor blood circulation in the legs. This sensation can feel like a heavy or achy pressure in the legs and may be accompanied by swelling, pain, or discomfort.


If you are experiencing leg heaviness, especially at the end of the day, and have visible varicose or spider veins on the surface of your skin, it may be a sign of venous insufficiency. A qualified vein doctor performs a physical examination and will ask you for a complete medical history while noting your symptoms and the appearance of your legs.


Treatment of leg heaviness is first directed at treating the underlying problem, such as correcting medication regimens, treating heart disease, reducing sodium intake, and treating venous insufficiency. Depending on the diagnosis, leg elevation, compression stockings, diuretics, or the following in-office procedures may also be implemented as effective treatment options.

  • Sclerotherapy
  • VenaSeal
  • RFA
  • ClariVein
  • Microphlebectomy

Leg Pains and Cramps

Leg pains and cramps are typically caused by poor blood circulation in the legs. These sensations can feel like a sharp or dull pain, cramping, or aching in the legs and may be accompanied by swelling, heaviness, or discomfort. Some of the unique symptoms include:

  • Heaviness in the leg that worsens towards the end of the day and eases with rest and elevation
  • Charley horses, or painful sensations in the feet or calves
  • Swelling of the calves or ankles that also worsens toward the end of the day
  • Restless leg syndrome, which involves involuntary urges to shift your legs to alleviate discomfort


We will review your medical history and utilize appropriate imaging tools, such as ultrasound, to accurately diagnose your leg pain and cramping.


Leg pain and cramping are usually an indication of vein disease. We will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms. The following procedures are used to treat the underlying vein disease.

  • Sclerotherapy
  • VenaSeal
  • RFA
  • ClariVein
  • Microphlebectomy

Leg Swelling

Leg swelling, also known as peripheral edema, occurs due to an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the lower extremity. Swollen legs can be a result of venous insufficiency. However, other causes may include salt retention, medication side effects, cellulitis, pregnancy, and congestive heart failure.


We will review your medical history and utilize appropriate imaging tools, such as ultrasound, to accurately diagnose your leg swelling problems.


Leg swelling can be treated conservatively with measures such as wraps or compression stockings, but the best way to treat leg swelling is by addressing the underlying issue using procedures such as:

  • Sclerotherapy
  • VenaSeal
  • RFA
  • ClariVein
  • Microphlebectomy

Pelvic Venous Congestion

Pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) is a common condition in women that causes chronic pelvic pain.

Women can develop pelvic congestion syndrome when varicose veins develop around the ovaries. The valves in these varicose veins can stop functioning properly, causing blood to flow backward, which will cause congestion. Other causes can be multiple pregnancies, polycystic ovaries.


  • Pelvic ultrasound to look for growths in the pelvis
  • Doppler ultrasound to check the blood flow in the pelvic blood vessels
  • CT scan or MRI for more detailed pictures
  • Diagnostic laparoscopy to rule out other causes of pelvic pain
  • Venography


When pelvic vein reflux is the direct cause of your pelvic venous congestion, our vascular specialists and vein doctors will discuss both medical and minimally-invasive treatment options:

  • NSAIDs: Treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may help relieve the patient’s pain in the short term. Analgesia is a good first-line option
  • Hormonal treatments
  • Pelvic ovarian vein embolization: This is a minimally invasive treatment that is safe and can be done as a day case. You come in for the procedure in the morning and can leave a few hours later the same day.
  • In most cases, the ovarian vein is the cause of the varicose veins. However, other pelvic veins, such as internal iliac veins, internal pudendal veins, obturator veins, and ischial veins, may also be responsible and will need treatment as well.

Restless Legs

Restless leg syndrome (RLS) is characterized by a persistent, uncontrollable urge to move one's legs, often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations in the legs, such as tingling, burning, or aching.

Symptoms typically get worse when sitting or lying down and at night.


We will carefully evaluate your situation to determine whether or not venous insufficiency is the cause of your restless leg syndrome.


Treatments to get rid of restless leg syndrome vary by person. Sometimes medications will be prescribed. Unfortunately, prescriptions, including Requip, are often trialed but have poor results. While some relief can be obtained with appropriate hydration and exercise, there is good reason to consider an evaluation of vein disease.

Spider Veins

Spider veins are unhealthy veins just underneath the skin, most commonly located on the lower extremities. When they occur in clusters, they may have a spidery appearance, giving them their name. Spider veins are usually blue, red, or purple in color and are often found in clusters that spread outward. Spider veins can often be the first indication of an underlying condition called chronic venous insufficiency.


Spider veins often cause few symptoms beyond an undesirable cosmetic appearance. However, some individuals may experience severe symptoms, including leg heaviness, swelling, aching, throbbing, restless legs, burning, itching, or cramping of the legs.

We will carefully evaluate your situation to determine whether or not spider veins are the cause of your problems.


There are multiple treatment options available for spider vein removal. The most important thing is treating the underlying cause of the spider veins. Our experienced vein doctor will understand the contributing factors and use one of the following procedures for treatment:

  • Sclerotherapy
  • VenaSeal
  • RFA
  • ClariVein
  • Microphlebectomy

Varicose Veins

Vаrісоѕе vеіnѕ, аlѕо knоwn as “vаrісоѕіtіеѕ,” are еnlаrgеd and unhealthy veins usually arising due to high pressure in veins slightly deeper within the leg. They may be tortuous or twisted and may bulge from under the skin. You’ll find that they can be red or purple in color.

Varicose veins occur when the vein valves that help your blood flow back to the heart become weak or damaged, causing blood to pool in the veins. This can lead to discomfort, swelling, and aching in the affected area.


We offer informative consultations to better understand the cause and prognosis of your symptoms. If conservative measures fail and symptoms persist, we can evaluate which varicose vein treatment options are best suited to helping you look and feel better.


The first step in treating most varicose veins is treating the underlying cause. Our board-certified vein doctors perform minimally invasive procedures in the office that are consistent with the highest standards of care.

Depending upon your case, your vein doctor may recommend any of the following procedures:

  • Sclerotherapy
  • VenaSeal
  • RFA
  • ClariVein
  • Microphlebectomy

Venous Insufficiency

Venous insufficiency is a condition where the leg veins have difficulty returning blood to the heart. This can occur when the valves in the veins that help blood flow back up to the heart become damaged or weakened, causing blood to pool in the legs. Venous insufficiency can lead to the following symptoms:

  • Achy, painful legs
  • Tired, heavy, fatigued legs
  • Swelling of ankles and legs
  • Skin discoloration, redness, or inflammation
  • Bulging veins (varicose veins)
  • Itching, irritation, dryness, tingling, or burning sensation of the skin
  • Spider veins


We will review your medical history and utilize appropriate imaging tools, such as ultrasound, to accurately diagnose your vein problems.


For mild cases of venous insufficiency, there are some at-home treatments, such as elevating the legs to reduce pressure, wearing compression stockings to increase blood flow, and regular exercise. Treatments for more severe vein disease and venous insufficiency include the following:

  • Sclerotherapy
  • VenaSeal
  • RFA
  • ClariVein
  • Microphlebectomy